+39 347 19 90 756
Marina di Brindisi - Via dei Bardanelli, 2 - BRINDISI

Yacthing clubs

Blue Rigging is able to offer out-sourcing management of sports facilities such as Nautical Clubs, professionalizing a sector sometimes left to generic organizations.

The services, in full compliance with the company policy, are aimed at tourist-accommodation companies.

Assistance guaranteed throughout the season to make the clubs and equipment always efficient.

Assistance in the start-up phase, in rigging operations and in setting up the flotilla.

Assistance in the closing phase with decommissioning and inventory and final report.

The supply of equipment belonging to the Blue Rigging flotilla is a possibility to expand the existing fleet or to create one from scratch.

Investment planning and consultancy, aimed at expanding the set of means that an accommodation facility possesses, with cost optimization in achieving the set objective.

Educational and offshore boats

Blue Rigging has educational boats suitable for teaching in the first levels of the courses, for a playful aspect of the activities aimed at active tourists, children, teenagers, the elderly and people with disabilities.

It is also possible to offer exclusive excursions with our offshore boats, providing the structure with a refined and rapidly growing service, with a very strong communicative aspect.