+39 347 19 90 756
Marina di Brindisi - Via dei Bardanelli, 2 - BRINDISI


Blue Rigging deals with control, sizing, supply and replacement of rigging in all technological solutions: AISI 316 stainless steel spiral cable (1x19 - 7x19) Dyform, Nitronic and textile fiber rod.

We deal with the design, construction and installation of stays and tie rods both for nautical applications and for industrial and building uses.

We are able to supply spiral cable and rod from 1.5 mm up to 28 mm on any type of stainless steel terminal.

We avail ourselves of the collaboration of an “in-house” Engineer to guarantee the best quality and professionalism standard for the services rendered, especially in reference to the study, analysis and design phases of complex stay systems. We also collaborate with two external companies certified for some types of non-invasive checks such as Ultrasound, Penetrants and X-rays, which can be accompanied by technical reports that can also be used for insurance purposes.

Blue Rigging also operates in:

Maintenance schedule

“Ocean Service”

  • Maintenance with mast raised
  • Inspection and lubrication of terminals and tensioners
  • Complete shaft inspection
  • RIGS (pulleys, special pins, couplings, internal housings)
  • Fixed maneuvers
  • Running rigging (parts that can be inspected only)
  • On-board hydraulics applied to maneuvers